Half an hour before a meal you can take the drops as they are, or in a glass of water. If you leave it for a while, the alcohol evaporates but the active ingredients are retained. Keep the liquid in your mouth for a while (preferably a minute) before swallowing; the ingredients come into contact with the oral mucosa and are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.
Always start the treatment with a low dose. The more severe the symptoms, the lower the starting dose. This is to prevent a lot of toxins being released at once (by the death of germs). Because toxins are always released (even at low doses), a lot of (water) is drunk during the treatment and at the same time detoxification and elimination agents are used.
Average treatment:Build up to 15 to 30 drops 3 times a day
Intensive treatment:OBuild up to 3 x 30 to 60 drops daily.
Or as advised by your doctor. For children aged 6 to 12, the dose is usually halved.
Do not use in
Duration of the treatment
You can use this product indefinitely, but we advise to take a break after prolonged use. Or after consultation with your practitioner.
Store tightly closed at room temperature, out of reach of children.