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Detox paardenbloem

Detox – Go into spring feeling fresh and vibrant!

Spring is the perfect time for a detox. But how do you do this? And what role can herbal remedies play?

Annelies Hendriks
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Kun je genieten van Leverbitter?

Can you learn to love livermagic?

Are you ready to invite the taste of "bitter" into your life? We share the benefits of bitters and how to add them to your daily life.

Annelies Hendriks
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Hoe je met plezier je eigen Leverbitter maakt

How to enjoy your own Livermagic makes

Part of feeling vital is taking good care of your liver. The liver and vitality are closely connected. With Livermagic and LeverSchoon by Green Vitality give your liver and digestion a good support**. Handy as a spring choice**.

Annelies Hendriks
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Artemisia Annua: een eeuwenoud kruid, herontdekt door de wetenschap

Artemisia Annua: an ancient herb rediscovered by science

In this blog we take you into the world of Artemisia Annua: from our products to the botanical background, rich history and the rediscovery by science.

Annelies Hendriks
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Kruidencomplexen winter Zonnewende en Kruidenvuur Green Vitality

Our herb complexes for the winter months

In the winter your body can use the necessary support. This can be done with one of our complexes: Herbal Fire or Solstice. Discover more about it.

Annelies Hendriks
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Kruidencomplex: de kracht van synergie

Herb complex: The power of synergy

In our assortment you will find, besides single tinctures, also complexes: a combination of different herbal tinctures that are brought together in one formula. Why would you choose such a complex?

Annelies Hendriks
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Wat is een tinctuur

What is a Tincture

Tinctures have never been gone and in recent years they have been on the rise again: people are increasingly seeing the benefits, effectiveness and ease of use. But what is a Tincture anyway?

Annelies Hendriks
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Kies jij al bewust voor biologische etherische olie?

Do you already consciously opt for organic essential oil ?

One essential oil is not the other. The difference is in the quality of the plant aromas. In order to achieve a high level, it is of great importance that it is organically extracted. As is the case with the essential oils of Pure Eden.
Annelies Hendriks
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Onze top 3 kruiden voor het immuunsysteem

Our top 3 herbs for the immune system

Your body has an impressive system that can protect you: the immune system. In our assortment you will find many herbs that have a supportive effect on this. Don't know where to start? We are happy to help you on your way and explain our top 3 herbs below.
Annelies Hendriks
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ZeolietMED in de winkel

Many aid Zeolite: Super natural support for your intestines

By working with a product such as Zeolite Med you therefore support the detoxification processes of the body* by, among other things, removing heavy metals and toxins*.
Annelies Hendriks
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Wat zijn etherische oliën?

What are essential oils ?

They smell nice and look like an oil. But is an essential oil actually an oil ? no, even though the name suggests that, they are not. What are essential oils that ?
Annelies Hendriks
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Japanse Duizendknoop – Een krachtig kruid met veelzijdige toepassingen

Japanese knotweed - a powerful herb with versatile applications

One of the most important bioactive compounds in Japanese Knotweed root is resveratrol.
Annelies Hendriks
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16 results