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Header van Green Vitality in de winkel in arnhem
Formerly Kaardeshop

Green Vitality

Discover the power of herbs

Our story

The basis of Green Vitality started in 2013. Willem Jacobs, together with Paul de Kruijff, researched possibilities for the natural treatment of Lyme Disease. This is because Paul's mother, the artist Elle van de Hulsbeek, could not tolerate regular medication. They started looking for alternatives to cure this relatively 'new' Lyme disease. At that time, little was known about Lyme disease and its treatment. The search soon resulted in a practical solution. Many thousands of people have now benefited from this. Experience has shown that Lyme can now be effectively treated with the tinctures that we have developed. A special holistic methodology was created based on the power of nature.

Kaardebol en de Ziekte van Lyme

Teasel and Lyme Disease

In Europe, and in particular traditional Chinese medicine, the Teasel (Dipsacus Fullonum) has a long history.
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Bescherm jezelf tijdens de Week van de Teken

Protect yourself during Tick Week

From April 22 to 26 is Tick Week. Last week was a period in which extra attention was paid...
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Warmere eerste lente maanden, teken eerder actief!

Warmer first spring months, ticks become active earlier!

After the dark, wet, chilly winter months, we are eager to enjoy the first spring sun.
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