La Maladie de Lyme - Willem Jacobs
Product description La maladie de Lyme - Willem Jacobs
How about the response to Lyme disease?
This article proposes a large compréhension and complète of the Lyme disease and its symptoms, in advance of the alternative and natural characteristics of the patients.
The maladie of Lyme is not unique in that it is difficult to detect but is also difficult to treat. How fair is it? What is the fairness of your rouge equipment? Quels tests sont disponibles et lesquels sont valables ? What is the fairness of the antibiotic prescriptions for the use of antibiotics? Faut-il la traiter de façon naturelle, si oui comment ? Quel effet cette maladie at-elle sur nous, sur nos dirty ?
Here is a practical guide to accessible information about Willem Jacobs, including a guide to the European malades and a guide to the specialists in natural Lyme traits that are part of the commentary. Here you can find more information about the information and treatments available.
French translation of Lyme Naturally Cured - Willem Jacobs
Willem Jacobs can be called an expert in the field of Lyme disease. He wrote "Lyme natural healing", "The spiritual dimension of Lyme disease" and also made the translation of Lyme disease by Wolf Dieter Storl. Willem Jacobs is the founder of this webshop. (see also our books written by Willem Jacobs).
ISBN 9789020208412
Paperback/ 2016 / 189 pages