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Do you often suffer from discomfort in the stomach ?

A well-functioning stomach is essential for digestion, your overall Wellbeing and can affect your daily energy. Discomfort can be caused by eating quickly, an irregular eating pattern, fatty or spicy food, a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, stress and an irregular eating pattern. This can cause you to feel bloated, feel uncomfortable after eating or have pain in your stomach. Supporting normal stomach function is therefore important. Herbs can also help with this.

The role of herbs on your stomach

Herbs can have a supportive role on the stomach**. For example, they can contribute to:

  • Good for normal stomach function**
  • Supports the maintenance of normal acidity in the stomach**
  • For a full feeling in the stomach**
  • For a bloated feeling after eating**

In our assortment you will find various herbal products that can support you with this. In addition to using herbs, it is important to pay attention to a balanced diet and sufficient rest to optimally support your stomach.

**The health claims are still pending European approval.

Three powerful products for the stomach


A mineral that helps maintain normal stomach acidity and supports digestion.**


Good for normal stomach function and contributes to maintaining a comfortable stomach.**


YarrowHelps with a bloated feeling after eating and supports the maintenance of normal stomach function.**

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